Info about PestProtest campaigns and success stories. Send us your stories!
Bethlehem, NY
September 2021: PICKETING SUSPENDED! We are holding off on our plans to picket outside CVS in Delmar because CVS finally agreed to talk to us about their pesticide use. That's another positive step thanks to the PestProtest leverage!
September 2021: More success! A major healthcare provider agreed to switch away from pesticides. AND, a leading regional retailer has agreed to look into switching. We'll follow up with them and keep their feet to the fire!
August 2021: Having some early success in Bethlehem. A credit union and a research company both agreed to stop using pesticides! And we're in touch with dozens of other businesses.
CVS on Delaware Avenue, however, is unresponsive to multiple online, letter and in-person requests. Time to start posting on social media! Check out our posts on Twitter and Facebook at @PestProtest.
July 2021: PestProtest's inaugural campaign is underway in and around Bethlehem, NY (Albany County), where we have contacted a dozen local business and organizations that have applied pesticides this spring. So far we have received some encouraging responses, and we will follow up to encourage they go natural. We are also preparing publicity campaigns to inform the public about any holdouts.
Stay tuned for more info!